Gisella's School All of my written school work in one place Wed, 24 Apr 2024 13:40:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 230755346 History 5 Week 32 Review Wed, 24 Apr 2024 13:40:40 +0000 The first thing I learned about in history was Unix and the video game console.             The first thing I learned about was Unix. Early computers were hard to program […]

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The first thing I learned about in history was Unix and the video game console.

            The first thing I learned about was Unix. Early computers were hard to program for and difficult to interact with. Ken Thompson and Dennis Richie invented Unix after Bell Labs pulled out of the Multicast project. Unix is a more programmer-friendly, basic operating system that can be used on different types of computers. The C programming language was a result of Unix, and it mow powers Apple Mac and mobile products.

            The second thing I learned abut was how tabletop gamed slide chess evolved as war simulators, and then into other games like Super Mario brothers. The video game console was invented by a German Immigrant named Ralph Bear. Atari led the first generation of video game consoles, and Nintendo revived the industry after the crash by advertising it as a toy. The gaming marker is bigger than the film industry and is expected to grow more in the coming years.

            This week in history I learned about things threat help with digital programing, gaming, and modern technology.

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History 5 Week 31 Review Sun, 14 Apr 2024 19:42:54 +0000               This week in history I learned about the Polio vaccine and the the laser.              The first thing I learned about this week was the Polio vaccine. Polio […]

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This week in history I learned about the Polio vaccine and the the laser.

             The first thing I learned about this week was the Polio vaccine. Polio is a debilitating disease that could permanently cripple or kill its victims. Jonas Salk invented the Polio vaccine, and it was announced as safe in 1955.It prevents person from contracting polio, eliminating the fear and effects associated with the disease. Joy spread around the world immediately, as relief spread throughout rations. Polio has been almost eradicated, and there is hope that it will be fully and forever eradicated soon.

            The second thing I learned about was the laser. The discovery of quantum physics I 1900 led Einstein to extend and predict the possibility of laser light. Charles Towns invented the laser in 1958 at Bell Labs after inventing the laser. Laser light is coherent, focused, wavelength, and can be used for cutting or information transmission. Bell Labs and other companies began building their own lasers for various purposes. Lasers enabled barcode scanners at supermarkets, data, audio, and visual media like CDs and DVDs.

            This week in history I learned about things that help with health, cutting, and light shows.

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History 5 Week 28 Review Tue, 19 Mar 2024 00:53:57 +0000 This week in history I enjoyed learning about the mousetrap, and the diesel engine.             First I learned about the mousetrap. Mice and other rodents spread disease and damage our […]

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This week in history I enjoyed learning about the mousetrap, and the diesel engine.

            First I learned about the mousetrap. Mice and other rodents spread disease and damage our property. The quest for the better mousetrap began in the 1800s, with William Hooker inventing the wining models in 1894.  It’s a spring loaded design that, when the mouse grabs the bait, it triggers the spring that swings the bar to snap the mouse’s neck. The patent holders sold out and merged to manufacture improved models. It’s a popular invention to improve upon and it has become a symbol for American creativity and entrepreneurship.

            Lastly, I learned about the diesel engine. The science of the thermodynamics advanced rapidly in the-1800s. Rudolph Diesel invented the diesel engine in 1893. The diesel engine is reliable and fuel efficient and also robust. It embraced quickly beginning in 1894, and made its way into ships and locomotives as replacements for the steam engine. It’s widespread in construction equipment today and as a backup power source in power plants and businesses.

            This weed in history I learned about things that help with rodents, diseases, and cars.

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My Favorite Animal Tue, 13 Feb 2024 14:17:20 +0000 My favorite animal is the horse because they are usually nice, you can ride then, they are beautiful creatures. In stories horses are made into magical creatures like unicorns, centours, […]

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My favorite animal is the horse because they are usually nice, you can ride then, they are beautiful creatures. In stories horses are made into magical creatures like unicorns, centours, winged horses, and the like. That’s why I love horses.

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History 5 Week 23 Review Tue, 13 Feb 2024 14:14:28 +0000 This week in history I learned about the riveted blue jeans, fire sprinkler, the QWETY keyboard, and the dental drill.             The first thing I learned about this week was […]

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This week in history I learned about the riveted blue jeans, fire sprinkler, the QWETY keyboard, and the dental drill.

            The first thing I learned about this week was the riveted blue jeans. Expanding industry in the 1800s, demanded higher quality work clothes. Levee Strauss and Jacob Davis invented blue jeans in response to the demand for higher quality jeans in 1873. Featuring a unique riveted design to reinforce weak points in the jeans they are durable comfortable pants for some people. They spread among railroad workers and during the Dude Ranch craze They remain very popular today, and were a part of the historic but iconic ‘’uniforms’’ of the past.

            The second ting I learned about was the fire sprinkler Fire extinguishers had been invented to handle smaller fires but the appearance of factories created need for better protection systems. Henry Parmalee invented the automatic fire sprinkler in 1874. It activates a water deluge when detecting heat from a fire. Parmalee educed insurance companies, and Grinnel improved his design. Grinnel’s legacy is the NFPA, which establishes and maintains fire protection requirements for buildings.

The third thing I learned about was the QWERTY keyboard. A series of fires broke out in the Midwest in 1871, even in the state of Wisconsin. Cristopher Latham Sholes. Working in Wisconsin invented the QWERTY keyboard layout in 187. It’s the world-standard layout that optimizes typing speed. Several typewriters tried competing, but they had different layouts and ultimately failed. The typewriter industry led to the computer industry, and the QWERTY keyboard helped ignite the smart phone industry.

            The fourth and last thing I learned about was the dental drill. In the old days dentistry required slow-turning manual drills and painful procedures. George Green invented the dental drill by adapting the pneumatic drill with a electric motor. They turn at very high speeds to remove decay as painlessly as possible. Their low-pain benefits produced by their high speeds were advertised. Dental procedures today keep out teeth and gums healthy with relatively little pain involved when fixing dental problems.

            I think the most interesting thing this week was the fire sprinkler, because when they tour on they look so cool and they help save people and buildings.

            This week I learned about things that help with, fire, writing speed, and dental health.

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History 5 Week 21 Review Tue, 30 Jan 2024 18:00:46 +0000 This week in history I decided to write about the traffic light.             Increasing traffic congestion on roads in the 18th century led to increased traffic-related deaths. JP Knight invented […]

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This week in history I decided to write about the traffic light.

            Increasing traffic congestion on roads in the 18th century led to increased traffic-related deaths. JP Knight invented the traffic light in 1868 for the London Bridge Project based on his experience with train traffic. Traffic lights regulate the flow of traffic, increase car volume, and reduce accidents and injuries. They spread to the U.S. in the early 1900s in major cities like Toledo, Detroit, and LA. They reduced the police force required to enforce traffic and improved highway efficiency.

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History 5 Week 19 Review Tue, 16 Jan 2024 15:54:47 +0000 This week in history I learned about roller skates, barbed wire, and the cowboy hat.             The first thing I learned about this week was roller skates. The Civil War […]

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This week in history I learned about roller skates, barbed wire, and the cowboy hat.

            The first thing I learned about this week was roller skates. The Civil War killed 600,000 men between 1861 and 1865. After some European attempts, James Plimton Invented the roller skates in 1863. They are simple, relatively safe, shoes-on-wheels that allow people to have fun and play sports. Plimton took advantage of the desire for relaxation after the war ended and manufactured new skating rinks. Roller skates combined with disco music produce Roller Disco in the 1970s, and it’s still a popular form of music today.

            The second thing I learned about this week was barbed wire. Cowboys and farmers moved out west to raise cattle and farm, but the cattle couldn’t be contained cheaply. Michal Kelly invented the barbed wire fence in 1868 as a way to manage cattle. It is cheap, made of steel, with sharp barbs attached, nailed to wooden posts, and stretched tight. The fence was marketed through public demonstrations and traveling salesmen. It brought about the end of the Wild West and was used in war.

            The third and last thing I learned about was the cowboy hat. Cheap land and the idea of ‘’Manifest Destiny’’ drove settlers West and expanded the U.S territory. John B. Stetson invented the cowboy hat in 1865 after noting the problems with all the hats the cowboys wore. They keep the sun off tour face, neck, a little bit of your shoulders, and keep your bead warm and dry in the rain or snow. Stetson advertised his using illustrations, by sending demo units to store owners, and by simple word of mouth.

            The most interesting thing I learned about this week was the roller skate because I love to roller blade and skate. It’s one of my favorite things to do.

            The things I learned about this week helped with sports and enjoyment, farming, and fashion.  

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History 5 Week 18 Review Wed, 20 Dec 2023 22:29:39 +0000 This week in history I learned about the post card, the gatling gun, and linoleum.             The first thing I learned about this week was the postcard. The postal system […]

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This week in history I learned about the post card, the gatling gun, and linoleum.

            The first thing I learned about this week was the postcard. The postal system was reformed with the introduction of the postage stamp in the 1840s, and paper prices were falling because of improved experience in the stationary profession. Postcards are cheap, simple ways to deliver a long distance message. The pictures and photos on them created interest that motivates people to buy them. The internet era has made the postcard mostly redundant, but they are still important for advertising.

            The second thing I learned about this week was the gatling gun. In the early 19th century, the cannon was the most powerful battlefield weapon. Richard Gatling invented the Gatling soldiers in battle. It fires thousands of rounds per minute through a series of rotating barrels so that they don’t over heat. Gatling sold the weapon to the US. military by putting on a live demonstration. The gun was used to expand the British and American empires.

            The third and last thing I learned about this week was linoleum. Floor covering products advanced from stores to carpeting to rubber by the mic-1800s. Fredrik Walton invented linoleum after noticing how linseed oil dries into a rubber-like consistency. It’s a cheap, but durable flooring that is easy to clean and therefore is hygienic. Walton combined aggressive marketing with storefronts to allow people to walk in and see the product in action. Linoleum played a role in displacing weed flooring after World War 2, and it is iconic of the 1950s.

            The most interesting thing I learned about this week was linoleum because you can have beautiful looking floors and durable floors all at the same time.

            The things I learned about this week helped with mail and writing notes, guns and floors.   

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History 5 Week 17 Review Thu, 14 Dec 2023 17:11:39 +0000 This week in history I learned about the ironing board, the internal combustion engine, the repeating rifle, and the twist drill.            The first thing I learned about was the ironing […]

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This week in history I learned about the ironing board, the internal combustion engine, the repeating rifle, and the twist drill.

           The first thing I learned about was the ironing board. In the 1840s there was a period of political and economic turmoil the a led to a relatively stable decade following. The ironing board was invented I 1858 as home ironing became mare common. It provides portability to be set up mast anywhere, and it is shaped to made it easier to iron the hard parts of clothes like pants legs and arms of shirts. The board was improved, and improved irons, especially the electric iron, increased demand for the ironing board. They introduced another source of time savings into the common family.

            The second thing I learned about this week was the internal combustion engine. Steam technology ignited the industrial revolution, but steam engines can’t start instantaneously. Etienne Lenoir invented the internal combustion engine after discovering sparks ignite gasoline. The engine uses gas to turn a drive shaft. Nikolai Otto built upon Lenoir’s motor and converted it into the modern 4-stroke process. It revolutionized our world, from everyday driving, to vacations, to keeping grocery stores stocked with food.

            The third thing I learned about this week was the repeating rifle. The rifle had evolved from the harquebus and musket to result in increasing accuracy, but was slow lading.

Benjamin Tyler Henry invented the lever action repeating rifle in 1860 after spending years working as a gunsmith. It could rapidly fire 16 powerful rounds at close range. It rose to fame during the Civil Oar as a rare but novel item that would help save soldiers lives, as the iconic western rifle followed the war. It played a role in the victory of the North, and the defeat of Custer, and the interest in the TV Westerns of the 1950s.

            The fourth thing I learned about this week was the twist drill. John Wilkinson invented the boring machine in 1774, but his drill bit was a cutting bar. Steven A. Morse invented a twist drill bit in 1861. It cuts a clean hole and lifts debris up and out as it turns. Morse manufactured his bit and sold it to various industries and several countries. It’s what we think of when we imagine a drill, and they are used in large and small construction projects alike.

            The most interesting thing I learned about this week was the repeating rifle, because it hasped with defending yourself.

            The things that I learned about this week helped with ironing, self defense, cars, and drilling.  

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School Work Thu, 07 Dec 2023 22:36:50 +0000 My favorite way to do school work is drawing and writing in cursive. It’s my favorite because it is fun and makes my schoolwork look pretty.

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My favorite way to do school work is drawing and writing in cursive. It’s my favorite because it is fun and makes my schoolwork look pretty.

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