Gisella's School

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History 5 Week 6 Summary

This week I learned about the platform scale, the railroad T rail, the multi coil, and the mechanical reaper.

            First, I learned about the platform scale. The development of scale technology began improving during the Middle Ages. The Middle Ages. Thoddeus Fairbainks invented the platform scale in 1830 while trying to figure out how to weigh large loads. The platform scale makes it easy to weigh large, heavy objects without large counter weights or cranes. Fairbainks scales began to be sold throughout the world by the mid-1800s. The scales are still in use today as vital components in numerous industries.

            Second, I learned about the rail road T rail. The railroad industry in America developed out of the Steamboat industry. Robert Stevons invented the flanged T rail after founding one of the first railroad companies in America in 1830. The T rail is strong, durable, stable, and easy to install. Stevens continually improved the design and led the industry in producing railroad tracks, and the technology also spread to Britain. The development of trains played a major role in the American Civil War, leading to the victory of the North and the defeat of the South.

            Third, I learned about the multi coil magnet. The electromagnet developed from theory into rudimentary application between 1820 and 1824. Joseph Henry improved the electromagnet by using insulated wire in 1831. The multi coil density to develop large magnetic fields that make their widespread use practical. Henry continued his inventions and experiments, and gained influence as secretary of the Smithsion. The multi coil magnet led to the rise of the telephone and modern power grid.

            Fourth, I learned about the mechanical reaper. Reaping was an arduous labor intensive task that was performed by hand, keeping farms small. Cyrus McCormick perfected his dad’s mechanical reaper and patented it in 1834. Pulled by a horse, it drastically increased the amount of crop that a worker could reap in a day. McCormick relied on railroads and innovative marketing in the emerging Midwestern farming market to sell his reaper. Farms production exceeded consumption.

            The most interesting thing I learned about this week was the mechanical reaper because it helped make harvesting wheat faster.

This week I learned about inventions that impact our lives in a crucial way.         

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