Gisella's School

All of my written school work in one place


What I Learned This Week In History

This week I learned about the suspension bridge, the fire hydrant, and the locomotive.               

Suspension bridges helped society as a whole because before the suspension      bridge people and carriages had to walk on chains that stretched to each side. When the suspension bridge came around they didn’t have to worry. Here’s why, the suspension bridge is suspended up in the air by iron chains while the bottom of the bridge is attached to each side by land.          

Next, I learned about the fire hydrant. The Romans had very sophisticated sewage systems because they had to keep their water clean to prevent their population from getting sick. When they fought a fire they dug down to a near by pipe and drilled into it. Then water would come out and they could fill buckets up and dump it on a fire. One day a huge fire broke out and almost burned down the whole city. They had to do something about this. When the fire hydrant came out a lot more buildings were saved during fires. The fire hydrant is basically a pipe in the ground that draws up water when it’s opened and a strong rush of water comes out.            

Lastly, I learned about the locomotive which did a lot of hauling. It took people around the globe. It took food to people, it mailed things, and it carried coal from mines. The locomotive operates with three basic components: steam, pistons, and wheels.   

This week in history I learned about the suspension bridge, the fire hydrant, and locomotive. However, my favorite thing to learn about this week from history was the suspension bridge because it helped people get around easier.      

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August 2023